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lundi 16 septembre 2019

Food For Success

From now on you would be glad to know there is a way to improve your job performances and help you along your journey to achieve professional success. A day of your life should be divided into stages that can assure you the needed aliments for great professional performances. It doesn’t matter if you work from 9 AM to 5 PM or if you work all night.

Long run persons

If you are a “long-run person”, you are on your feet the entire day so the amount of physic effort you are making is great. Your body needs energy from morning till evening. You must keep the sugar level stable with the help of complex hydro-carbonates. You will be like a little ant if you start your day with cereals and milk, you eat for lunch soup and vegetables with cheese and in the evening you can save yourself some lasagna and salad.

Night stars

If you are a “night star” your work hours keep until the first morning hours. You need food for feeling ok and happy, combating depression that can often occur during nights. Vitamin B1 is the one that will keep you smiling all night. Your day should start out with a breakfast of bread and honey and the lunch should consist of pasta and vegetables. You can end your day with dinner with chicken barbecue and salad.

Office angel

If you are an “office angel” then you are performing intense mental activities and a low physical effort. Your body needs “intelligent” food, that would give energy to the brain and nerves, that means aliments rich in vitamins B and C. for breakfasts you can eat bananas and yogurt, at lunch scrambled eggs and toasted bread and for dinner potatoes, fish and vegetables.
     No matter what your job is, you should have always enough needed energy to perform it. it well, you won’t get fat, but you have to eat as much as you need in order not to feel hungry while at work. That will clearly affect your performances.

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